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Tag Archives: Abstract Art

Well done for spotting that London Underground are a big fan of abstract art. These pictures use the colours of the London Underground lines! What do the shapes remind you of?


Art Challenge!

Wow – a huge abstract painting. Some of us thought this resembled an eye ball! What do you think?

A book with art that looks like a bird:

A painting that looks like dust:

And some colourful abstract art made using Grandad’s phone!

Great examples of abstract art- well done!

Today we enjoyed the story ‘little blue and little yellow’:

This book is a bit different from lots of the stories we see because the illustrator has used abstract art for the pictures. This means he hasn’t tried to make the pictures look like real life. Look how the pictures tell a story without looking like the real thing:


Can you find any other examples of abstract art at home? It could be a picture on the wall, you could ask an adult to help you find a piece of abstract art on the internet or you could draw your own! Don’t forget to tell me what you think about the art. Is it exciting? Confusing? Interesting?